By joining forces, we joined together to share our knowledge and experience in the fields we operate in as digital nomads and in general as remote workers, but also to learn something new from others.
We are working to welcome new members to our team at any time in order to slowly but surely expand and form a harmonious community that can contribute to society with its ideas and knowledge. We are proud that our association operates in Novi Sad, Serbia and Zagreb, Croatia (so far).
Our team currently consists of digital marketing experts, graphic designers, professional voice actors, economists, IT experts and others. and that very diversity, knowledge of different disciplines gives birth to new ideas with which we move the world.
With a team of experts boasting extensive experience in the field, we are well placed to help our clients grow and thrive - even in challenging times. By really getting to know our customers, our talented team are able to offer unique and customized solutions backed by data driven analysis and broad research.
Also, through the YouTube channel, we share various free educational content that can be useful to digital nomads, and you can also find some recordings of local events there.